Thursday, 31 October 2019

SCAPE Art Field Trip

Today our class went on a field trip to Christchurch to view a sculpture called Vaka 'A Hina. Before we went we learned that the sculpture was inspired by a Tongan myth about a woman named Hina who travels on her vaka (boat or vessel) to the moon. After Miss Van Hart told us the story we had a go at creating what we thought the art might look like on Sketches School. Part of the story talks about Hina first travelling on a rainbow to the sun, a favourite feature in many of our sketches.

Koru 3 students storytelling inspired artwork

After we learned about Hina, we also read about Rona and the moon from te ao Māori, Sina and the moon from Samoa and watched an artistic version of Hina and the moon from Hawai'i. Today we met our tour guide Sonya from SCAPE Art who told us about the artwork and we got to walk around and touch the sculpture which is 16m tall! When you looked up towards the top, the clouds were moving quickly in the sky and made it seem like the sculpture was swaying in the wind.

After that we were off to Tūranga to make our own artwork. We created our own print versions of the sculpture using ink and different shapes. We also saw a few murals in town through the Plain Sight app, which animates the murals with augmented reality. Miss Sharp showed us this earlier in the week and it was awesome to see in person! It was an awesome creative day for Koru 3!

Athletics Day Term 4

Yesterday we had Athletics Day at school and students split into their hapū groups for the day. Students were decked out in the hapū colours...